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标题: [原创] A letter to Prez. Obama [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-3-28 20:59     标题: A letter to Prez. Obama

本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2011-3-28 22:46 编辑

Dear Mr. President,

I am tired of hearing you tonight on TV giving "blah blah blah" on your reasoning of bombing Libya, everyone knows that bombing is a stupid decision. It will drag the US to nowhere with a daily cost of 2 billion  US "borrowed" dollars.  It is insane and please just stop that! We know some military crooks would concoct excuses to steal money from the taxpayers. Of course you and they will make up rationales to prove that. There is NOTHING to prove, just simply shove it.

Now the most urgent problem is the Japanese nuclear crisis. It is a global crisis, the recent development already let us believe that the crooks in Japan are out of control. They should be honest with the world now, other than telling the world that they are trying to solve the problem themselves, we know the situation is getting worse day by day.

These incapable folks should be removed from the site immediately. A global crisis needs a more capable world team to solve that! The world has much more advanced solutions than just simply spraying water on the reactors. Unmanned aircraft, robots should all be used to solve this huge crisis facing humankind.

I am tired of hearing the stupid local officials telling us how many tests they have made - they are cheating themselves. The polluted stuff will spread all over the world (as they have already been found in many parts of the US), we MUST STOP that from spreading further!

Please immediately stop the bombing and focus on the dire situation in Japan!

Peacefully yours,

Concerned XXers.

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-3-28 21:01

Please help work on the letter and I will send to all the senators and congressmen!!!! Many thanks.
作者: 棋王    时间: 2011-3-28 21:05

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-3-28 21:13

真给力! 强烈支持!
作者: momowang    时间: 2011-3-28 21:15

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-3-28 21:21


Many sites we can forward the letter to ... on/senators_cfm.cfm
作者: 停车坐爱    时间: 2011-3-28 21:56

本帖最后由 停车坐爱 于 2011-3-28 22:03 编辑




Denuclearize Japan,Save the World!

Dear Mr. President,

I am tired of hearing you tonight on TV giving "blah blah blah" on your reasoning of bombing Libya, every rational person knows that bombing an independent sovereign country is an irrational and unjustified action. It will drag the US to nowhere with a daily cost of 2 billion  US "borrowed" dollars.  It is insane and please just stop it! I know the military crooks concocted excuses to steal money from the taxpayers. Of course you and they will make up rationales to prove that. There is NOTHING to prove, just simply shove it.

Now the most urgent problem is the Japanese nuclear crisis! It has become a GLOBAL crisis now, the recent development already let us believe that the crooks in Japan are out of control. They should be honest with the world now, other than telling the world that they are trying to solve the problem themselves, we know the situation is getting worse day by day.

The Japanese should be forced to put more man power and any resources possible to solve the problem at any effort immediately. A global crisis needs a more capable world expert team to guide and command them!

I am tired of hearing the stupid local officials telling us how many tests they have made - they are cheating themselves and the public. The polluted stuff will spread all over the world (as they have already been found in many parts of the US and other countries), we MUST STOP it from spreading further! Furthermore, Japanese government must make serious apologies for their stupid mistakes and inactions, and make compensations in all means to the affected countries and their people!!

Please immediately stop the bombing "political game", and focus on the dire situation in Japan---the real serious threat to the whole world right now!!

Denuclearize Japan,Save the World!

Seriouly yours,

Concerned XXers.


我修改了几个字,你看是否合适。另外,那段说把小日本remove from the site的话,我想还是应该逼迫小日本自己投入人力物力!外国专家组负责指导指挥!小日本自己制造的麻烦,要送死也得他们自己去送死!

另外,deneuclearize 这个词好像用在此处大了点政治化强了点,不过如果想不到更好的词,也还是可以用的。。。




sink Japan, save the world! ... o=blog&id=13142


都TMD的第三周了,小日本居然还在那里磨磨蹭蹭!自己不想活,还真想带累全世界啊?!切尔诺贝利灾难时,苏联人投入了大量的人力物力全力以赴不怕牺牲!甚至脑袋里不光想的是自己,同时也想的是不能祸害了全欧洲!---而那时,还是冷战时期,还是你死我活的政治斗争时期!而苏联人民心里,仍然想着的是大局和人道!--- 让日本人看看切尔诺贝利的处理,自己不该羞得全体撞富士山自杀了算了?!---得,还是别撞了,富士山再被撞出个火山喷发来,咱别玩了,2012吧。。。改投海?也不行,把海洋污染了咋办!---得,全体自裁吧,不是他们有这个习惯和爱好嘛!

照我看,现在才是真正的人权高于主权的时刻呢---这已经不是小日本自己说了算的时候了!因为这关乎全世界的命运!---全世界不想被辐射的人们,起来!sink Japan, save the world!







作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-3-28 22:17

7# 停车坐爱

改得很好!!! 紧急的时刻, 顾不得很多修饰了, 意思到了就可以了. 你下面那些中文有些过激了, 不过也是可以理解的.

谁TM让日本人拥有核技术的? 那个国家应该为他们的行为付出10000年的惩罚, 不许拥有核燃料.
作者: 停车坐爱    时间: 2011-3-28 22:21





作者: 停车坐爱    时间: 2011-3-28 22:23

本帖最后由 停车坐爱 于 2011-3-28 23:17 编辑
7# 停车坐爱

改得很好!!! 紧急的时刻, 顾不得很多修饰了, 意思到了就可以了. 你下面那些中文有些过激了, 不过也是可以理解的.

谁TM让日本人拥有核技术的? 那个国家应该为他们的行为付出10000年的惩罚, 不许 ...
not4weak 发表于 2011-3-28 22:17

中文的当然只能在中文网站发着玩啦,再说咱也木有技术去真的sink Japan嘛。。。

那就这么定了!Denuclearize Japan! --- 一万年不变! 钦此!  
作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-3-28 22:31

Please forward the letter to Mr. President, thanks.

Denuclearize Japan,Save the World!

Dear Mr. President,

I am tired of hearing you tonight on TV giving "blah blah blah" on your reasoning of bombing Libya, every rational person knows that bombing an independent sovereign country is an irrational and unjustified action. It will drag the US to nowhere with a daily cost of 2 billion  US "borrowed" dollars.  It is insane and please just stop it! I know the military crooks would concoct excuses to steal money from the taxpayers. Of course  they will make up rationales to prove that. There is NOTHING to prove, just simply stop it!

Now the most urgent problem is the Japanese nuclear crisis! It has become a GLOBAL crisis now, the recent development already let us believe that the crooks in Japan are out of control. They should be honest with the world now, other than telling the world that they are trying to solve the problem themselves, we know the situation is getting worse day by day.

The Japanese should be forced to put more man power and any resources possible to solve the problem at any effort immediately. A global crisis needs a more capable world expert team to guide and command them!

I am tired of hearing the stupid local officials telling us how many tests they have made - they are cheating themselves and the public. The polluted stuff will spread all over the world (as they have already been found in many parts of the US and other countries), we MUST STOP it from spreading further! Furthermore, Japanese government must make serious apologies for their stupid mistakes and inaction, and make compensations at all means to the affected countries and their people!!

Please immediately stop the bombing - a "political game", and focus on the dire situation in Japan--the real serious threat to the whole world right now!!

Denuclearize Japan,Save the World!

Seriously yours,

Concerned citizen,

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-3-28 22:57

我就奇怪了,为什么各国政府和人民就没有发出吼声批评声,而是沉默地被动等待着被辐射!反而还去救那已经暂时无关紧要的地震海啸灾!反而去指责那些因此可能受害而恐慌的弱势群体!真是莫名其妙啊,这要是发生在中国 ...
停车坐爱 发表于 2011-3-28 22:21

作者: 秋之皓月    时间: 2011-3-28 23:10

本帖最后由 秋之皓月 于 2011-3-28 23:13 编辑



自卫队总共有多少编制? 填进去1/4? 1/5? 1/3?


In hands of God.....
作者: MaJiang    时间: 2011-3-28 23:11

Dear Mr. President,

I am tired of hearing you tonight on TV giving "blah blah blah" on your reasoning of bombing Libya, everyone knows that bombing is a stupid decision. It will drag the US to now ...
not4weak 发表于 2011-3-28 20:59

don't call others crooks or stupid when you are writing to a stupid crook....

作者: 停车坐爱    时间: 2011-3-28 23:34

not4weak 发表于 2011-3-28 22:57




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