摩根大通面临洗钱调查。报道称美国监管机构正在调查摩根大通是否未能适当监督交易,使犯罪分子有机可乘实施洗钱活动。报道称负债监管大型银行的美国货币监理署(Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)正领导洗钱调查。摩根大通股价刚刚重返5月10日宣布伦敦鲸巨额交易损失时的水平。
Fridays traditionally carry out whatever trend was going on earlier in the week.
If big bear on the prowl, then Friday will growl.
If big bull on the stampede, then Friday gains will proceed.
What it means for the next week and beyond is less clear. The two most likely scenarios are:
1) Settle into range now. With low of 1400.
2) Run to 1500 before correction.
In previous commentary I noted that #1 was the most likely as we attempt to clear other hurdles like the Fiscal Cliff. But I do see how the headlines of making new highs could attract a rush of fresh money from the sidelines before hitting a serious point of resistance like 1500.
Because #1 is not that ominous and #2 is bullish, then I will stay long this market for now. If the run to 1500 does ensue, then I will look for spots to take profits as shares will likely correct thereafter.作者: aimei 时间: 2012-9-17 14:15 标题: Why?
Because OIL is down作者: cellphone 时间: 2012-9-17 14:16
indicators became overbought and will need to correct, probably with a shallow dip again for two days, followed by more rallying as long as there is no war in the Middle East.作者: Diver 时间: 2012-9-17 15:02