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标题: [转贴] 日本原来从来就没说过搁置钓鱼岛问题 [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2013-5-18 01:15     标题: 日本原来从来就没说过搁置钓鱼岛问题 ... n-is-back?page=show

But what are you willing to do to resolve the problem? Cui Tiankai, the new Chinese ambassador to the United States, told me recently that the best thing would be to just ignore the sovereignty issue and return to the status quo where China and Japan agree to disagree.
That Chinese claim means Japan should admit that there exists an issue of territorial sovereignty to be resolved. We can never let this argument take place. The Chinese side has been using a similar argument against Vietnam and the Philippines to gain control over islands in the South China Sea. And recently, on May 8, China’s People’s Daily published an article questioning the status of Okinawa itself.

We have never agreed with the Chinese to shelve the issue of the Senkaku Islands. To say that we have in the past is a complete lie by the Chinese.
作者: Arielbaby    时间: 2013-5-18 02:36


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