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标题: [放炮] 三波调整 [打印本页]

作者: ychen222    时间: 2013-8-2 07:03     标题: 三波调整

本帖最后由 ychen222 于 2013-8-2 07:05 编辑

我在2009年就说过三波调整 ( ... est%3D1&page=19)。有人叫3 push down。

假如套用到现在,图示如下,第一波可能是1745至1625(中位1685, 长120点),反弹回1680,然后第二波是1680至1560(到时候的200天线),第二波到第三波大盘休息时间会长一些,第三波大概是1610至1460。

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图片附件: 1.png (2013-8-2 07:03, 59.3 KB) / 下载次数 40

作者: ychen222    时间: 2013-8-2 07:04


作者: dxzhu    时间: 2013-8-2 07:45

Thanks Lao Da!
作者: Elephant    时间: 2013-8-2 07:57

作者: lily987    时间: 2013-8-2 08:33

作者: pdz    时间: 2013-8-2 08:54

现在是大三浪吧, 不管是1745,还是蓉儿的1780, 应该是三郎走完, 你那个1460是大四浪, 大五郎新高或失败? 这个就不知道了,到时再说了
作者: ychen222    时间: 2013-8-2 09:05

本帖最后由 ychen222 于 2013-8-2 09:34 编辑

Examining recent SPX, I see the boundary is 1680-1696.  1696-1688=8. 8*5=40. 1688+40=1728.
So it seems like that this up wave could not support SPX beyond 1730.  However, if the top at 1730, the first push down would be 1730->1650, only 80 points, which is too short for my large scale plan. 120 points like 1745->1625 is much reasonable.

Therefore, I guess the near term route would be SPX up to 1730, stall there, then down to 1700, finally to 1745.

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图片附件: 1.PNG (2013-8-2 09:05, 29.59 KB) / 下载次数 53

作者: ychen222    时间: 2013-8-2 09:13

本帖最后由 ychen222 于 2013-8-2 09:38 编辑


The other options (though unlikely I think) are (1) in 2014 SPX would go much higher than 1900.
(2) 1745 would be the multi-years top, 2014 SPX would test 168X then fail, the major bottom would be 1745/2=872 in 2015/2016.

Actually I would expect this large 3 push down to test the middle line or middle line boundary of final down wave(like 1900->950). I mentioned 1400-1420 many times. 1425 is the middle point of 1900-950.
If 1745->1000, the middle point would be 1372, middle line boundary is 1335/1419.
If 1745->872, the middle point is 1310, which is too lower to get there.  This is the reason I think 1745->1000 would be likely, actually it might become 168X->1000 if using the second top.
作者: freesia    时间: 2013-8-2 09:39

现在是大三浪吧, 不管是1745,还是蓉儿的1780, 应该是三郎走完, 你那个1460是大四浪, 大五郎新高或失败? 这个 ...
pdz 发表于 2013-8-2 08:54

作者: 祥云    时间: 2013-8-2 10:19

作者: aimei    时间: 2013-8-2 10:40

作者: lily987    时间: 2013-8-3 06:59

作者: larawu    时间: 2013-8-4 03:06

作者: SmartyJones    时间: 2013-8-5 07:04

Thanks for sharing

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