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标题: [放炮] 大盘是绿的 但是 [打印本页]

作者: aimei    时间: 2014-7-28 15:34     标题: 大盘是绿的 但是

IWM 是红的
作者: 读读书    时间: 2014-7-28 16:25

回复 1# aimei

true. IWM是红的,但是今天被撑住了,favor牛牛,my 2 c。
作者: Trinity    时间: 2014-7-28 17:58

回复 2# 读读书

agree with you. Brought on the dip today.
作者: 读读书    时间: 2014-7-28 18:29

回复 3# Trinity

I got your point and good buy. I walked away from small cap at today's pre-market with little gain and then concentrated DT ES with bullish bias. I am still bullish.

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