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标题: [转贴] 关于天然气 [打印本页]

作者: A悠    时间: 2014-11-25 20:50     标题: 关于天然气

本帖最后由 A悠 于 2014-11-25 19:57 编辑


图片附件: zc1.jpg (2014-11-25 20:56, 84.28 KB) / 下载次数 56

作者: 读读书    时间: 2014-11-25 21:02

回复 1# A悠

作者: qzhou3    时间: 2014-11-25 21:02

I went to a haircut and came back seeing my ugaz being sold at 15.72. When I left, a price of 15 seemed far reaching so I randomly set a 15.72. Deep in my heart, I was hoping to hold until 18. Oh well, at least made profit...My NUGT was sold at a loss! I was typing 16.3 but somehow typed 15.3! Pain
作者: A悠    时间: 2014-11-25 21:07

回复 3# qzhou3
作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-11-25 22:13

作者: qzhou3    时间: 2014-11-25 22:14

回复 5# oldhorse

It went from 15.8 to 14, then 14 to 16...
作者: qzhou3    时间: 2014-11-25 22:16

I have never played this before. But 14 was such a safe price so I bought some...I was debating on whether or not to buy it back but decided not to do anything... Now I am 50% cash
作者: qzhou3    时间: 2014-11-25 22:17

The volume was huge so should not be purely manipulated, right?
作者: oldhorse    时间: 2014-11-25 22:21

The volume was huge so should not be purely manipulated, right?
qzhou3 发表于 2014-11-25 21:17

前些日子捣乱讲的那个国债逼空的故事,后来不是被marketwatch 证实了。
作者: backup    时间: 2014-11-26 18:58

今天买入UNG了 。。。。。。。

作者: 欲望股市    时间: 2014-11-26 19:22

作者: qzhou3    时间: 2014-11-26 21:07

回复 11# 欲望股市

Nice analysis! Thanks

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