Better buy hewg,it uses currency foward to hedge eurusd fx rate,
EWG is probably repriced everyday with spot eurusd fx rate.
So HEWG will be a better Mimic of Dax and minimize fx rate impact
HEDJ-----The WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity ETF provides investors with exposure to large-cap European equities and an underlying hedge against currency fluctuations between the euro and the U.S. dollar. With the European Central Bank's $1.1-trillion asset purchase (quantitative easing) program, an export-friendly slump in the value of the euro currency and falling oil prices, the outlook for European equities have become attractive. Indeed, Eurozone economic data has continued to run at a very positive level (as measured by the Citigroup Economic Surprise Index). Consensus earnings growth estimates for European equity indexes this year are around 10 per cent.