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[其他] 美国一直通过提倡各种方言,发掘文化差异来分裂中国;






——《中国穆斯林》1992年 第5期

——《献了青春献终生,献了终生献子孙》 收藏人:屋檐下的过客 2011-2-15




鉴于伊斯兰教恐怖主义泛滥, 从网上找出一些正反面文章;
中华人口炎黄子孙有必要维持一定的人口; 否则其他地方的人口自然而然流动过来;西方普通人交了那么重的税, 还要分出一部分供养穆斯林, 何苦来着....
本帖最后由 milk 于 2015-11-24 02:26 编辑

By the way, if you have any friends that are trying to learn proper English, you should ask them to read these posts. I feel like a lot of the articulation and eloquence in my writing is lost on you.  My posts would definitely help somebody who is trying to improve their English writing skills.
本帖最后由 milk 于 2015-11-24 02:06 编辑

回复 15# springwater


I understand why you are angry.  You are blindly devoted to Mao the same way religious fanatics are blindly devoted to their religion. I understand that by calling me a "traitor to my own ethnicity" makes you feel better, the same way a Muslim fundamentalist feel like strapping on a suicide bomb when people talk about Mohammed.  Ignorant zealots like yourself will never have the capacity to see reason or consequence. I wasn't trying to change your mind, I was merely stating historical facts.  If you want to cry about it and call me names go right ahead. I don't mind putting you in your place.
天!中国人可没有为了财富买卖黑人奴隶杀光土著.为了卖鸦片给中国人就随便发动战争,反过头来指责中国人侵犯经济自由. 不过就是蒸汽机革命,暂时的领先几百年, 还当自己就是上帝,动不动干涉别国,随便套一个邪恶给任何不合作的人.拳头硬就是民主!这种霸道的作风,没准就把全世界生物带到地狱.穷人有个狗屁民主;穷国有狗屁民主; 西方人没有任何资格指责毛....反思毛泽东功过是爱中国的人自己事情,甚至假洋鬼子汉奸不配诋毁反
本帖最后由 milk 于 2015-11-23 00:55 编辑

回复 13# springwater


Read my posts again.  I never once attacked the Chinese people.  On the contrary, I sympathize with the Chinese people. I pointed out that Mao had employed disastrous policies that lead to the suffering and death of the Chinese people.  I criticized China's current socio-economic policy that produced the worst part of capitalism - income inequality, because I want the Chinese middle class to succeed.  All of my criticism have been for the benefit of the Chinese people and society.  You just took it personally because you idolize Mao.

I don't agree with U.S. foreign policy either.  I don't think democracy is a good thing if the general population do not possess the ability to think critically. I don't look at labels, I look at facts.  It is a fact that as of right now, the west has proven to be a better society to live in than China.  People will always flock to better places.  This may change in the future, nobody knows. But right now it is true.  If you deny this fact you're just fooling yourself.

我可没有说过毛泽东没有错误, 但我反对揪着毛的错误攻击中国人; 二次世界大战可以怪罪希特勒; 你看看一次世界大战总需要找一下自身原因吧; 双面标准多面标准挑拨中东各国,原教旨伊斯兰教发展壮大, 这些反世界人类的错误不比较毛的错误更加严重. 西方民主国家为什么这么残暴一个人一而再再二三的爱挑起世界大乱, 唯恐地球不早日的灭亡,怎么没有好好的反省一下?! 中国纠正错误,没有选择成为北朝鲜, 为了一个假设恶心了中国人, 只能说有精神疾病;中国人走中国文化的道路, 用不找披着民主羊皮抑制不住贪婪恶狼们指手画脚...
本帖最后由 milk 于 2015-11-21 11:50 编辑

回复 9# springwater

I was referring to social structure and the empowerment of individual rights(人权) in my last post, but you immediately assumed that I was defending democracy(民主) and U.S. foreign policy.  You assumed that I couldn't speak Chinese just because I have a basic command of the English language.  You assumed that I did not understand Chinese culture when in fact I have spent almost half of my life living in China.

I think you make a lot of assumptions.

Your behavior is typical of an armchair pseudo-ideologist though. I've come across many like you in my adventures through the internets.  You have a skewed vision of reality built upon assumptions made within your limited experience and (state-censored) information. But it's important to understand that true logical analysis and objectivity do not come from assumptions, they come from explicit facts.

Here are some facts for you:

Just 4 months into 2015, the US has already depleted its annual supply of EB-5 immigrant (investor) visas.. Chinese nationals account for 90% of total visas issued. The expatriation of the upper/upper-middle class citizens posed a big enough threat that the Chinese government had to send official envoys overseas in an attempt to repatriate these individuals.

I'm not going to make assumptions of what the west has learned from the Chinese, but I do know what China has already learned from the west. China has been functioning in the form of "state capitalism" and has just recently surpassed the U.S. in income inequality. The PRC was founded on egalitarian ideals, so you have to appreciate the irony here.

As I mentioned earlier I spent the first half of my life in China so my Mandarin is fluent, and I still frequent this site and some others like it to acquaint myself with China's current state of affairs.  I've traveled to more than 10 different countries and I have lived in 3 of them. I don't make assumptions about these societies and cultures because I don't need to, I've experienced them first-hand.

Under Mao's rule, he adopted isolationism and China could not break even economically. Thanks to the cultural revolution China could not progress socially.  The result is the death some 36 million+ from starvation, and some 300,000 suicides from the social pressure Mao's policies inflicted on the capitalists and intellectuals. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happens to a society when you systematically kill off the scholars and the entrepreneurs.  You don't have to believe me, you don't even have to believe the history books. Feel free to talk to your parents, or grandparents and ask them what life was like under Mao's rule. It wasn't until 1978 that Deng opened China's doors to international trade and put a stop to Mao's disastrous policies.  The success of China today should be attributed to Mao's death.  If he had lived another 30 years, China would still be like North Korea.

I honestly don't understand your blatant disregard for facts.  Indoctrination maybe? Fanaticism? Idolatry? Mao was a horrible leader, Deng was less so.  Xi is heading in the right direction because the economy in China continues to flourish under his policies.  There are good leaders and bad leaders, just like every country in the world.


中国富人不代表全部中国人. 美国之类的国家代表超级富豪的利益,不是超级富豪的中国富人一定时间之后, 长时间后就会意识到这一点....
世界人口一直在流动, 流水不腐户枢不蠹,对大家都是好事;你只看到中国人少部分流向美国,怎么没有看到美国人其他国家的人流向中国...主动的基因融合比大规模战争强一百倍;中国从政府到民间大规模的学习西方模式,比印度人要友善,比偏执的穆斯林文化要多多善意 ;谁说一定全盘接受西方所谓的民主模式. 明白人都明白西方所谓的民主都是骗人的小把戏, 浪费大量时间和金钱.并不能因为就可以"民主"随便的强奸民意, 抢夺其他国家的财富, 挑拨离间制造动乱....
我才不在乎其他国家人怎么想;你连中文都不会讲,能理解中国文化的以和为贵的思想. 如果真的懂的, 世界会太平的多.世界有草有花各种生物, 思想文化多样化和谐才是最重要. 毛泽东带领中国人站立于世界民族之林,功大于过; 谁可以保证美国人欧洲人不会向中国人学习?因为有限自然资源,偏执的穆斯林文化为什么大规模流行沙漠地区!!沙漠之花存在就有道理.
本帖最后由 milk 于 2015-11-20 10:57 编辑

回复 7# springwater

"如果有一天美国欧洲沦陷,绝对是内部动乱或者是自作孽, 和中国人绝对没有大关系......"

I'm not going to argue with you, the facts about Mao have already been written. You can choose to look through rose-tinted spectacles and believe whatever you want, it makes no difference to me.  But I want to ask you.. If Mao's legacy really created a better society, why do people want to immigrate to the west but not the other way around? Last I checked there was a mass exodus of the upper and upper-middle class from China to the U.S. Make no mistake about this: The U.S. is a bastion of the most tolerant and ethnically integrated society in the world. There are obvious problems that are associated with the empowerment of individual human rights in such a diversified culture.  IF the U.S. fails as a society it will be because we as a human race does not have the capacity to see past our own petty differences.

拜托了,什么文革运动;就算中国人这段历史是错误的.西方国家难道就认真反省过自己犯过的众多恶性错误?!中国政府大量的派出什么人资助颠覆造谣西方各国,基本没有!大家不是忙着学习各种先进的理论文明!反而天天看着各种收钱的人莫名其妙的口吐脏言,人神共愤的法轮功维族恐怖分子难道不是被收藏在美国?如果有一天美国欧洲沦陷,绝对是内部动乱或者是自作孽, 和中国人绝对没有大关系......
本帖最后由 milk 于 2015-11-17 22:46 编辑

回复 1# springwater

"chairman mao", what a joke! He should be "Criminal Mao"...he destroyed more history and culture in China than the Japanese/american/british/german/french/italian invasions in WWII and 1900.  He may even killed more people during his Great Leap Forward that resulted in massive famine, potentially around 15 million excess deaths incurred in China during 1958–61.

you should take a look at this, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Zedong#Great_Leap_Forward
本帖最后由 milk 于 2015-11-17 22:44 编辑

回复 3# nmaverick


no kidding, i sense brainwash by the communist party.

"chairman mao", what a joke! He should be "Criminal Mao"...he destroyed more history and culture in China than the Japanese/american/british/german/french/italian invasions in WWII and 1900.  He may even killed more people during his Great Leap Forward that resulted in massive famine, potentially around 15 million excess deaths incurred in China during 1958–61.